
Book Review: Cold, Cold Heart

Hello Page Turners,

51iktOE1CeLSo recently I jumped into Cold, Cold Heart by Karin Slaughter who is becoming my favorite author. She is the queen of Crime Fiction, in my opinion. This book came out a few months ago, so I was late getting to it, nonetheless, it was pretty good.

Cold, Cold Heart is about a woman who is off to see her ex husband who is dying of cancer. The book explains about how this couple lost their child to a sudden death many years before and how it affected them turning the wife into a cold woman.

When he arrives to see this man, after all of these years, thinking he’s changed, he reveals that he’s not the only person with a cold, cold heart.

I gave this one three stars because it wasn’t my favorite. Karin does a very good job in giving you a punch to the gut with her stories. She didn’t do that this time. I was expecting something crazy to happen in this one but that didn’t happen. Also, I wasn’t a fan of the ending at all. I felt myself saying, ‘that’s it?’ Aside from that, I love Karin Slaughter. I am currently reading The Good Girl which is already amazing and I’m no where near the middle of the book.

Download your copy today!


Sign up to Receive our DMP’s Reader’s Corner Books

Hello Page Turners!


I’ve decided to do something amazing with my company Diamond M’Press.

DMP is putting a booklist together to distribute to our readers on this blog and across DMP. Authors are able to submit their book to be placed on the list and readers can sign up to receive the list.

It will be distributed monthly or weekly. We are still working out all of the kinks but we should have everything together soon.

Whether you are a reader, author or both, sign up to submit your discounted books or to receive the list. I am so excited about this new project! Especially since I love to read and it’s nothing like getting an email to tell you about a few good books.

Authors, let us support you! Readers, you can also sign up to receive this newsletter.

Get more information and sign up!


Sunday Discussion: Reading with your Children

Hello Page Turners!

19mom-daughter-600x600So yesterday, I posted a review that my daughter wrote. She’d not an avid reader but she does have a few series that she really enjoys reading. I got her into reading when was very little. One thing she and I did a lot of was read. When she got into school we did a lot of reading together as well. We loved to go to bookstores and the library to see about new books.

It wasn’t something I forced to her but something she grew to love. Now, as a teenager, she will make sure she reads a book or two. I enjoyed these fun moments with her as a child. We still read books together today so we haven’t gotten too far away from it. We loved June B. Jones , The Kid Lawyer Series and the Babysitter’s Club. Just to name a few.

Do you read with your children? What has been your experience and memories with them? What series do you all enjoy reading together? Can you recommend a few?

Let’s discuss!


Current Read: Secrets to the Grave

Hello Page Turners,

514mPrlx2YL._SX282_BO1,204,203,200_Today I am throwing myself into finishing this novel. I should have a review for you next week. This is the second book in the Oak Knoll series. I finished book one about a week or so ago and it was definitely a page turner. Book two is not disappointing.

I love this series because it is based off the past. Back in the 70’s or 80’s. The DNA technology is no where near what we can utilize today. So it’s good to read about things like this. I also love how this author writes. You’d never know that this series was based of decades ago. The writing is so clear, easy to read and it flows well.

This story starts off with a women killed in her kitchen. Her young daughter is left for dead as well but she survives.

Many of the characters return for this book. There is also a new romance that’s going on that I am enjoying.

I’m only on book two so you have time to join me if you like!


Sunday Discussion: What is a Page Turner?

Hello Page Turner!

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What is a page turner? Well that’s a good question but it varies from reader to reader. A page turner for me is short chapters. I know, I know, it’s sad to say but I do not like long chapters. They are discouraging. That’s just my opinion.

When I’m reading a book, I always have a set goal of reading for that moment or day. Now, if I’m in the doctors office, I simply read what I can until the nurse calls my name. But if I’m reading because I have reviews that need to be written or articles are waiting to be finished, then I have a goal. If at some point in the book right before I’m about to finish my goal for the day, I come to a surprise or shocking info has been revealed, that’s my page turner. I’m no longer itching to get my book marker back between the pages. I’m turning the page and reading more.

Another page turner, well you can’t turn anymore pages after this but it’s the ending. I love cliff hangers and surprise endings, especially those that end with a part two in the making. I’ve emailed several authors and have asked for a review copy to allow me to read the sequel of a book. I’ve personally requested that. Do you know how exciting that is for an author to get a request from an expert?

But like I said, it varies from reader to reader. Some may love a good sex scene others might like the horror from a mystery and suspense book. It’s different for every reader.

So you know all about me and what a page turner means to me, but I want to know what is a page turner for you? What has to happen to keep you going and going knowing you have places to be and things to do?

Let’s discuss!
